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Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse

7 ways to strengthen your supply chain with smart packaging


The supply chain is a crucial component of any company that produces, transports or distributes goods. An often neglected but crucial aspect in this context is packaging. It is primarily seen as a means of protecting goods, but has the potential to optimize the entire supply chain. NOVAPOR specializes in the production and development of smart packaging and in this article we show how smart packaging can make a significant contribution to increasing efficiency and reducing costs in your supply chain.


In an increasingly globalized world where products are transported over long distances, efficiency and cost optimization play a key role. A well-designed supply chain not only helps to ensure a company's competitiveness, but can also increase customer satisfaction by ensuring fast and smooth delivery.

1. Packaging design to maximize efficiency

A well-thought-out packaging design is the first step in optimizing the supply chain. Often, people do not sufficiently consider that the way products are packaged has a direct impact on logistics and warehousing. Smart packaging that is customized to the individual requirements of a product can minimize space requirements and improve the utilization of storage space and means of transport. At NOVAPOR, the motto when developing packaging is: only as much as necessary and as little as possible!


Bespoke packaging solutions such as those offered by NOVAPOR help to avoid gaps and unnecessary empty space in the packaging. This makes it possible to store or transport more products in less space, which reduces both storage and transport costs. The selection of the right materials, such as foam, corrugated cardboard or wood, also plays a key role here, as these materials not only offer protection, but also make optimal use of the space thanks to their flexibility.

What does this look like in practice?

For one of our customers from the aviation industry  we were able to significantly optimize the packaging process by using reusable solutions with small load carriers (KLT). The customer had previously used disposable packaging, which often took up unnecessary space and caused additional costs for materials and disposal. This was a major challenge, especially with sensitive aircraft components that require a high level of protection but at the same time have to be stored and transported in a space-saving manner.


By switching to customized reusable KLT containers, we were able to make optimal use of packaging space. The containers were precisely designed to the dimensions of the components and equipped with suitable inlays that ensure secure hold and protection during transport. The stackable KLT containers enabled efficient use of space both in the warehouse and during transport and reduced the storage volume by 25%. In addition, the containers are robust and reusable, which significantly reduces the need for disposable materials.


The impact on the supply chain was immediately noticeable: the customer was able to reduce transportation by 15%, which not only significantly reduced transport costs but also CO₂ emissions. At the same time, the space-saving storage ensured better use of storage space and led to further cost savings in the long term.


This example shows how the use of reusable solutions with KLT containers can not only reduce costs, but also sustainably optimize processes along the entire supply chain.

Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse KLT

25% less storage volume

15% less freight traffic

reusable and sustainable

2. Packaging protection to reduce transport damage

A common problem in the supply chain is damage to products during transport. This not only leads to financial losses, but can also affect customer satisfaction and, in the worst case, damage the customer relationship. Smart packaging offers additional protection here through its design and the material used, which is customized to the specific requirements of the respective product.


For example, foam packaging offers excellent protection for delicate and fragile products. It absorbs shocks and vibrations that may occur during transport, reducing the risk of damage. Corrugated cardboard, on the other hand, is light, strong and flexible and is ideal for transporting goods that need to be protected from external influences but still require a cost-effective packaging solution. Wooden packaging offers special protection for heavy or bulky goods and ensures a safe and stable transport solution.


By designing packaging to provide optimal protection, returns due to damage during transit can be reduced, resulting in less cost with more supply chain efficiency.

What does this look like in practice?

For a customer from the measurement technology industry we were able to develop a customized packaging solution with sturdy wooden boxes that significantly reduced transport damage. The customer repeatedly had problems with damaged precision instruments that were damaged during transport due to inadequate protection. These highly sensitive devices required packaging that could effectively absorb both vibrations and shocks to ensure the functionality of the measuring technology.



Our solution consisted of sturdy wooden boxes, which we also equipped with our tailor-made foam inserts. These inserts were precisely designed according to the sensitive devices and absorbed vibrations and shocks while securely fixing the products so that slipping during transport was impossible. The robust wooden boxes offered an outer protective layer that protected the packaged goods from external influences, while the foam inserts inside ensured optimal support and safety.



The result: Transport damage was reduced by over 40%. The return rate fell dramatically and the customer saw a significant improvement in the supply chain. The reduction in damaged products not only led to cost savings, but also increased customer satisfaction through greater reliability. The customer was delighted with the increased efficiency and improved quality assurance of its measurement technology products during transport.

Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse

40% less transport damage

reduction of the return rate

higher customer satisfaction

3. Standardization and modularity to simplify logistics

Another important aspect of smart packaging is the possibility of standardization and modularity. Standardized packaging that is stackable and modular makes handling in warehouses and during transport much easier. By standardizing packaging sizes and shapes, logistics is optimized because products can be stacked and transported more easily. This not only reduces the space required in warehouses and transport vehicles, but also simplifies the planning and implementation of logistics processes.



Modular packaging systems, in which different packaging can be combined with one another, offer additional flexibility. This allows companies to respond quickly to changing requirements without having to adapt their entire packaging strategy. 


By introducing such standardized and modular packaging solutions, companies can reduce their logistics costs while increasing their efficiency.

What does this look like in practice?

For a customer from the machine industry  we developed a standardized and modular packaging solution that has significantly simplified their logistics processes. The customer previously transported machine components of different sizes and shapes, which resulted in a high level of planning and handling effort. Different packaging for each component caused inefficiencies in storage and transportation, as stacking and optimal use of space were difficult.


Our solution was to develop a system of standardized, modular packaging units that could be flexibly applied to the different machine components. We designed stackable cardboard boxes and modular foam inserts that could be used in different combinations. This meant that a large number of machine components could be accommodated in the same packaging sizes, which made handling in the warehouse and filling the transport vehicles much easier.


The use of this modular packaging solution enabled a reduction in storage space requirements by 20% and lowered the customer's packaging and logistics costs by 15%. In addition, the planning and execution of transports could be better coordinated, as the standardized packaging enabled easier stacking and higher utilization of the means of transport.


These measures enabled the customer to make its logistics processes more efficient, respond more flexibly to fluctuating production volumes and make its supply chain leaner and more cost-effective overall.

Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse

20% less storage space required

20% less logistics costs

improved handling in the warehouse

4. Weight reduction to minimize transport costs

The weight of packaging plays a crucial role in transport costs. Heavy packaging not only increases transport costs but also energy consumption, which can have a negative impact on a company's environmental footprint. Smart packaging uses light but robust materials that provide the necessary protection without unnecessarily increasing the weight.


Foam packaging is a good example here. It offers excellent protection but is also very lightweight, which makes transporting goods much more cost-effective. Corrugated cardboard is also very lightweight compared to other packaging materials but offers great stability. By reducing weight, companies can significantly reduce transport costs while also making a positive contribution to the environment as less energy is needed for transport.

What does this look like in practice?

For a customer from the semiconductor industry we developed a packaging solution for lasers made of export corrugated cardboard instead of heavy wooden boxes, thereby achieving significant savings. The customer previously transported its sensitive laser modules in sturdy wooden boxes to ensure the necessary protection during transport. However, these boxes were heavy, which drove up transport costs and negatively affected the company's carbon footprint.


We developed a bespoke packaging solution using export corrugated cardboard and specially adapted foam inserts. This combination not only offered the same protection as the wooden crates, but reduced the overall weight of the packaging by almost 50%. The lighter packaging meant that transport costs were significantly reduced as less weight had to be transported.


The result: The customer saw a reduction in transport costs of 20%, which had a positive impact on profitability. At the same time, CO₂ emissions were reduced by a considerable amount due to the lower energy consumption during transport, which supported the company's sustainability goals. This packaging change enabled our customer to both save costs and act more environmentally consciously, without compromising on the protection of the sensitive laser modules.

Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse

50% less total weight

20% less transport costs

less CO₂ emissions

5. Sustainable packaging solutions to meet ecological requirements

Sustainability is a topic that has become increasingly important in recent years. More and more companies are relying on environmentally friendly solutions to meet their ecological responsibility and the requirements of customers and legislators. The advantages of smart packaging are numerous in this regard too.



Sustainable packaging relies on recyclable or reusable materials that minimize the use of resources and reduce environmental impact. We use recyclable and reusable materials wherever possible. This not only reduces waste, but also lowers disposal costs. In addition, environmentally friendly packaging improves a company's image and can be used as a selling point to environmentally conscious customers.


By choosing sustainable packaging materials and designs, companies can not only optimize their supply chain but also make a positive contribution to environmental protection.

What does this look like in practice?

For a customer from the offshore industry we were able to redesign their existing packaging. In our smart packaging, we successfully integrated lighter, lower density materials and recyclable foam to significantly reduce the customer's environmental footprint. Previously, the customer used heavier and non-recyclable materials to transport their large and often bulky offshore platform equipment. These materials not only resulted in high transport costs, but also increased disposal costs and a negative environmental impact.


Our solution was to switch the packaging to lighter, recyclable materials. We used recyclable foams, which, due to their low density, greatly reduced the weight of the smart packaging without compromising the protection of the valuable equipment. Additionally, the packaging was designed to be reusable, eliminating the need for single-use packaging.


This change enabled the customer to reduce its transport costs by 15% and significantly reduce disposal costs. The use of recyclable materials enabled the company to better achieve its sustainability goals and position itself as a responsible actor in the eyes of environmentally conscious customers and partners. In addition, the company's image improved as it actively contributes to reducing waste and protecting the environment. These measures not only strengthened the supply chain but also promoted long-term environmental and economic benefits.

Recycled foam

ecological footprint reduced

15% less transport costs

lower disposal costs

6. Optimizing warehousing with smart packaging

An often overlooked aspect of warehousing is the role of packaging. A well-thought-out packaging design also helps to better organize inventory in the warehouse and identify it more quickly. By clearly labeling smart packaging with important information such as product name, quantity and storage location, companies can manage inventory more efficiently. This reduces the time needed to find products and minimizes errors during storage and picking.


By optimizing warehouse processes using smart packaging, companies can reduce their storage costs while increasing the efficiency of inventory management.

What does this look like in practice?

 For one retail packaging company we developed a packaging solution that significantly optimized their warehousing. The customer had previously struggled with packaging that was different sizes and difficult to stack, which led to inefficient use of space and frequent re-sorting in the warehouse. These problems not only increased storage costs, but also delayed the picking and shipping of products.



Our solution was to introduce Euro-sized collapsible containers that were specifically designed to fit the dimensions of the packaging retailer's products. These containers not only offered a robust and stackable solution when full, but could also be folded up to save space when not in use. This drastically reduced the amount of storage space required for empty containers. In addition, the Euro-sized dimensions enabled optimal use of space both in storage and during transport.



The result: The customer was able to make better use of the storage space by 30%, as the collapsible containers took up less space when empty and were easy to stack when full. The time required to find and pick goods was reduced by 20%, as the standardized containers enabled easier and faster handling. Overall, the packaging retailer was able to reduce its operating costs, improve warehouse organization and significantly increase the efficiency of its inventory management by introducing the collapsible containers.

Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse

30% higher space utilization

20% faster warehouse operation

lower operating costs

7. Customer satisfaction through attractive and functional packaging

Packaging also plays a crucial role in the customer experience. Smart packaging is not only functional but also attractively designed. The brand image can be strengthened through smart packaging and give the customer a positive feeling when they receive the product.


Well-designed packaging that is easy to open and reuse improves user-friendliness and contributes to customer satisfaction. In addition, sustainable and high-quality packaging materials signal to the customer that the company values quality and environmental protection.

What does this look like in practice?

For a customer from the medical technology industry  we were able to develop a packaging solution that was not only functional but also visually appealing and significantly increased customer satisfaction. The customer, a manufacturer of medical devices, wanted to ensure that its high-quality and sensitive products were packaged safely and at the same time aesthetically pleasing. They also placed great importance on user-friendliness and sustainable packaging, as customers in the medical industry have high expectations of quality and environmental awareness.


Our solution was to design a protective yet easy-to-open package made from sustainable materials such as recyclable cardboard and reusable foam. NOVAPOR packaging experts designed the packaging to keep the product securely in place while allowing easy unpacking without the need for special tools. The design was simple and professional, with clear labels and a high-quality look that reflected the value of the medical devices.


Thanks to the new smart packaging, the customer was able to not only improve the safety during transport and the sustainability of their products, but also create a much more positive customer experience.


With the new NOVAPOR smart packaging, the customer was not only able to improve the safety during transport and the sustainability of its products, but also created a significantly more positive customer experience. Customers reported more intuitive handling and an improved perception of the brand, as the packaging gave a high-quality impression. This led to increased customer satisfaction and strengthened customer loyalty to the company.

Novapor foam supply chain strengthening smart packaging logistics warehouse

positive customer experience

more protection and time saving

sustainable solution

Optimize your supply chain with NOVAPOR smart packaging!

Optimizing the supply chain through smart packaging from NOVAPOR is a crucial factor for a company's success. Smart packaging that focuses on efficient design, optimal protection, standardization, sustainability and weight reduction helps reduce transport costs, optimize warehousing and increase customer satisfaction. By using customized solutions made of foam, corrugated cardboard and wood, NOVAPOR offers innovative packaging solutions that meet the requirements of modern supply chains.


Companies that want to improve their supply chain with NOVAPOR smart packaging not only benefit from increased efficiency, but can also secure their competitiveness and make a contribution to environmental protection.

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