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Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions 10 steps

10 ways to reduce your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions


Our world is changing and there is increasing attention to sustainability and environmental awareness. At NOVAPOR, we have set ourselves the goal of significantly reducing our overall carbon footprint in the next few years. That is why we want to offer packaging solutions that help reduce our customers' greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment.

What exactly is a carbon footprint?

Carbon footprint, also known as carbon accounting, is a measurement of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases caused directly or indirectly by human activities. In the packaging industry, the carbon footprint refers to the emissions that occur during the entire life cycle of packaging, from raw material extraction, production and transport to disposal or recycling.


The carbon footprint of packaging is often calculated using a life cycle assessment (LCA). This method assesses the environmental impact of all life cycle phases of a packaging and quantifies the emissions in CO2 equivalents. The carbon footprint is an essential aspect of the environmental assessment and sustainability strategy in the packaging industry and other sectors. It helps to quantify the environmental impact and to identify and implement measures to reduce emissions.

Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions

Find out in 10 steps how NOVAPOR can improve the CO2 footprint of your packaging!

1. Reducing density

Reducing the density and therefore the weight of your foam inserts is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. Through innovative materials, optimized manufacturing processes and intelligent design, you can not only protect the environment but also achieve economic benefits. A lighter, more efficient foam insert is a win for your company and for the environment alike.


Our Plastazote LD 29 black has established itself as a well-known material for suitcase inserts over decades. It is visually appealing, durable and at 29kg/m³ it has a medium density that is neither too hard nor too soft. One simple step to reduce the carbon footprint is to reduce the weight. Valuable resources can be saved during production and later during transport. We offer Plastazote LD18 as an attractive alternative to Plastazote LD 29. With a density of just 18 kg/m³, we save almost 40% in weight and significantly improve the carbon footprint. Despite the lower density, our Plastazote LD 18 is in no way inferior to comparable materials in terms of performance, quality and appearance.

Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions Plastazote 29
Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions Reusable packaging

2. Use of recycled materials

Incorporating recycled materials into the production of your foam inserts is an effective approach to reducing your carbon footprint. Recycled materials reduce the need for new raw materials, which reduces both energy consumption and emissions during production. They also help to minimize waste and conserve natural resources. By using recycled foam, you can not only reduce your environmental impact, but also promote a sustainable image and meet the increased expectations of environmentally conscious consumers.


Innovative technologies make it possible to produce high-quality products from recycled materials that meet the same performance standards as products made from new materials. This way you combine ecological responsibility with economic benefits and actively contribute to the circular economy. Find out more about NOVAPOR recycled materials here.

Padding sets made from recycled foam for reliable protection against transport stress

3. Durability and quality

Especially in the area of Reusable packaging it is important to use high-quality and durable foam inserts. This is because they need to be replaced less frequently, which saves resources and energy in the long term. Invest in quality to extend the service life of your products. High-quality foams retain their shape and function even after repeated use. This completely eliminates the need for frequent new purchases. Durable products also help to reduce waste and minimise the environmental impact of production and disposal processes. Once invested in, durable foam inserts offer a sustainable solution that brings both economic and ecological benefits. Should the foam inserts one day become obsolete, make sure that they are returned to the materials cycle. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

33 reasons why NOVAPOR is the perfect partner for you Foam packaging Reusable packaging

6. Energy efficient production

Rely on a partner for your foam inserts who uses renewable energies such as solar or wind power in production. This can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. At NOVAPOR, we can generate a large part of our electricity needs ourselves with our photovoltaic system and thus produce in a climate-friendly way. By using renewable energies, we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and minimize our ecological footprint. This sustainable energy supply enables us not only to work in a more environmentally friendly way, but also to reduce our operating costs in the long term, which benefits our customers.

Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions

5. Optimization of the production process

Optimizing the production process of foam inserts is a crucial step in reducing carbon footprint. By using energy-efficient machines and implementing modern manufacturing technologies, energy consumption can be significantly reduced. Process optimizations such as precisely controlling the expansion rate of the foam and reducing waste also help to minimize material consumption and maximize resource utilization. In addition, introducing recycling and reuse strategies in production enables the effective use of waste and residual materials. Such measures not only contribute to environmental friendliness, but can also reduce production costs and increase efficiency, ultimately leading to sustainable and economically viable production of foam inserts.

4. Foam insert design

The effective design of foam inserts can make a significant contribution to reducing carbon footprints. Careful design can maximise material efficiency and functionality, which reduces material consumption. Strategically placed recesses or a honeycomb structure can reduce the weight of the insoles without compromising their protective function. A well thought-out design can also make production and transport more efficient, which saves energy and resources. By minimising waste and optimising material utilisation, innovative design solutions help to reduce the environmental footprint while improving the performance of foam inserts.

Novapor employee creates a foam packaging sample for a new project

7. Local procurement / production

Producing foam inserts close to the end-user market significantly reduces transportation and thus CO2 emissions. Short transport routes are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective as they minimize fuel consumption and associated emissions. At NOVAPOR, we source all our raw materials from Europe, which not only shortens transport routes but also makes supply chains more stable and reliable. By sourcing and producing locally, we can reduce our environmental impact while improving the efficiency and sustainability of our production processes.

9. Minimizing waste

Precise planning and optimizing the use of materials can significantly reduce waste. Leftovers and offcuts should be recycled or used for other purposes wherever possible. Clever use of the dimensions of the raw panels makes it possible to reduce waste to a minimum and maximize material efficiency. By carefully planning and optimizing the cutting patterns, not only can waste be reduced, but also material consumption can be reduced. This leads to more sustainable production and better use of resources, which is both ecologically and economically beneficial.

Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions Recycling

8. Reduction of adhesives

Foam inserts can be glued or thermally welded during production. Thermal welding is carried out at NOVAPOR using our automatic systems or with a hot air welding device. Here, the foam parts are bonded together using heat and thus positively welded. This method does not require any additional chemical substances and results in strong, durable bonds that can then be easily recycled. By using thermal welding, we can not only minimize the challenges of recycling, but also make production processes more efficient and cleaner. This contributes to improved sustainability and a lower environmental impact, while maintaining the quality and durability of the foam inserts.

Improve your carbon footprint with NOVAPOR packaging solutions

10. Awareness and training

A key factor in reducing the carbon footprint of foam insole manufacturing is employee awareness and training on sustainable practices. Through training and awareness-raising, employees can be informed on how they can actively contribute to reducing and recycling waste, using renewable energy and optimizing production processes. This includes measures such as handling materials correctly, avoiding energy waste and promoting an environmentally conscious mindset throughout the company. 


A well-informed team that has the right, well-trained and objective view when selecting packaging materials is a valuable contribution to improving the company's environmental performance and can help develop innovative solutions for more sustainable production. Through continuous training and a strong awareness of environmental issues, we can work together to further reduce the carbon footprint of our foam inserts and make a positive contribution to environmental protection.

Your chance to actively shape the future

Reducing the carbon footprint of your foam products requires a holistic approach that includes both material selection and production processes. By implementing these ten measures, you can not only protect the environment, but also achieve economic benefits through more efficient production processes and improved brand perception. Sustainability is not only an obligation, but also an opportunity to actively shape the future. Talk to our employees at NOVAPOR now so that together we can improve the carbon footprint of our packaging solutions and foam inserts.

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