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Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building

Celebrations at Novapor: Anniversary and new expansion


A very special surprise took place at Novapor at the end of the week this week. In perfect weather, the management surprised all the employees with a visit from a food truck, which, in addition to delicious burgers in various styles, also had numerous cooling drinks ready for everyone. The celebrations at Novapor were not only a culinary highlight, but also an opportunity to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Managing Director and owner Jörg Mühlenberg and the start of the new building with colleagues. 


The management seized the celebrations at Novapor as an opportunity to thank the entire workforce. Especially at the end of the 2nd quarter, there is a lot that the entire NOVAPOR team can be proud of and of course there is also something to celebrate. Over the past few months, the whole team has managed to defy economic challenges and continue the company's positive development once again this year.

Celebrations at Novapor for Jörg Mühlenberg’s 40th anniversary

One of the main occasions for this event was the 40th anniversary of co-owner and Managing Director Jörg Mühlenberg, who has helped write the positive history of Novapor with passion and commitment for four decades. Jörg Mühlenberg has helped to build up the family business and decisively shaped it with his visionary leadership. His tireless commitment and business acumen have made Novapor what it is today: a successful and future-oriented company.


In his speech, Jörg Mühlenberg thanked the team for their great support and commitment over the past few years. He emphasized that Novapors success was only possible thanks to the hard work and teamwork of the whole team. The emotional speech left a lasting impression and once again highlighted the importance of cooperation and mutual trust within the company. Find out more about Jörg Mühlenberg's 40th anniversary here here.

Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building

A culinary delight from Burger Kultour

The culinary highlight of the day was the visit to the food truck from Burger Kultour. The burgers were a real treat for the palate and were enjoyed by everyone present. The juicy patties, the fresh ingredients and the loving preparation made every bite an experience. Whether classic cheeseburgers, spicy chili burgers or vegetarian versions - there was something for every taste. The delicious burgers contributed significantly to the relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.


The event also offered the opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Employees from more than 20 nations enjoyed the delicious burgers and had lively conversations. It was nice to see how colleagues used the opportunity to get to know each other better and strengthen team spirit.

Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building

Green light for the new expansion

In addition to the anniversary celebrations and the culinary delights, there was another reason to celebrate: the extension, which will start shortly. This further construction phase marks another milestone in the development of Novapor with an additional 2000m² of hall space. The new building will further expand Novapor's capacities and will enable even more efficient production and even better customer service. It is a sign of Novapor's continuous growth and our desire to constantly improve.



The launch of the new building was celebrated in style and met with great enthusiasm from the entire team. The anticipation of the new opportunities that the building will offer was clearly noticeable. It is an exciting project that opens up new perspectives for all of us and lays the foundation for future success. Find out more about the new building here here.

Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building

Gratitude and recognition

Jörg and Andreas Mühlenberg gave a short speech in which he thanked the entire team for the successful year so far. They emphasized how important each individual person is to the success of the company and that team spirit makes a significant contribution to this. It was a moment of recognition and appreciation that was well received by everyone present.

Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building

A day full of joy and companionship

The visit to the food truck, the joint achievements and the celebrations surrounding the anniversary and the new building were a complete success. It was a day that was not only something special in culinary terms, but also strengthened the collaboration within the entire team. In a relaxed atmosphere and with pleasant conversations, everyone was able to celebrate the success of the past years together and look to the future with continued optimism.


The Novapor team is proud of what it has achieved and looks forward to the challenges ahead. With this committed and motivated team, Novapor looks to the future with confidence and is ready to continue to grow and be successful together.


This wonderful day will remain in everyone's memory for a long time and has shown how valuable it is to have a break from everyday life. A big thank you to everyone who helped make this day possible. Here's to many more successful years at Novapor!

Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building
Celebrations at Novapor anniversary new building

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