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Novapor Innovation and tradition in the company

Novapor: How innovation and tradition come together in the company


Balancing traditional values with the need to remain innovative is a challenge that many family businesses face. At Novapor, as a family-run packaging manufacturer with a history spanning over 60 years, this balance between innovation and tradition is not only a challenge, but also an important part of our success. In this blog we would like to give you an insight into our philosophy and way of working and show how we manage to preserve our traditional values while remaining innovative.

The roots of Novapor: tradition as a foundation

Over 60 years ago, the NOVAPOR founder developed Hans Lau an innovative idea to solve an urgent problem for regional fruit growers and nurseries with a newly created product: He insulated cold storage facilities with Styrofoam panels to prevent the loss of valuable apples and other fruits. Even then, our goal was to conserve resources and ensure the quality of the products. This approach, focused on efficiency and sustainability, has become an integral part of our corporate culture and still guides us in all aspects of our business today.



For us, tradition does not mean clinging to outdated methods or materials, but rather preserving the values and principles that have made us successful over the years. These values give us a solid foundation to build on as we face the ever-changing demands of the market.

Novapor Papira® Papira sustainable packaging

Innovation as a driver of progress

In a rapidly evolving industry such as packaging, it is crucial to always be one step ahead. Innovation is not just a buzzword for Novapor, but a necessity to remain competitive and satisfy our customers. But how does this fit in with our traditional values?


Innovation at Novapor means using new technologies and methods to continuously improve our products and processes without losing sight of our core principles. We see innovation as a way to express our traditional values in a modern way.

Cleanroom foams Novapor foam

Innovation and tradition: a continuous dialogue

Combining innovation and tradition is a dynamic process that requires constant dialogue within the company. Communication between the different generations and departments plays a key role here. The older generation brings valuable experience and a deep understanding of the company's history and values, while the younger generation brings new ideas and technologies.


At Novapor, we have established a corporate culture that encourages this dialogue. Regular meetings and workshops enable us to integrate different perspectives and find the best solutions together.

Novapor Innovation and tradition in the company

Examples of innovation at Novapor

A concrete example of the combination of innovation and tradition at Novapor is our development of sustainable packaging solutions. Traditionally, our focus has been on producing high-quality packaging that meets our customers' requirements. However, with increasing awareness of environmental issues, we have realized that it is no longer enough to focus on quality alone - sustainability must be an integral part of our products.


In order to meet this requirement, we have intensively adapted our product portfolio in recent years to recyclable materials with a low carbon footprint that are perfectly tailored to protect the product being packaged. We do not concentrate on one material group in general, but always want to find the right and best possible material for the application with our customers. This innovation enables us to maintain our traditional quality standards while at the same time making a contribution to environmental protection.


Another example is the digitalization of our production processes. While in the past we relied on tried and tested manual procedures, in recent years we have invested in automating many processes and making them more digital. These technologies enable us to work more efficiently while maintaining the flexibility that our customers value in us.

Novapor Innovation and tradition in the company

Challenges and solutions

Finding the balance between innovation and tradition is not always easy. One of the biggest challenges is to ensure that new technologies and methods actually add value and are not just introduced as an end in themselves. At Novapor, we are therefore very careful when it comes to implementing new technologies. Every innovation is checked to see whether it is in line with our traditional values and the needs of our customers.


Another aspect that requires special attention is the integration of new employees into our company culture. As Novapor grows and attracts new talent, it is important that these employees understand and appreciate the company's traditions and values. At the same time, they must have the freedom to bring new ideas and contribute to the company's innovative strength.


When selecting our sales staff in particular, we rely on people who think in a solution-oriented manner and live the Novapor culture. It's about finding the best possible solutions for our customers in terms of function, environment and quality.

Novapor Innovation and tradition in the company

The role of leadership: a balancing act

The role of leadership at Novapor is crucial in balancing innovation and tradition. Our leaders must be able to keep the company's long-term goals in mind while being flexible in responding to changes in the market. This requires not only strategic thinking but also the ability to create an environment where both traditional values and innovative ideas are valued.


An important aspect of our leadership philosophy is the "open door" principle. Our leaders are available to all employees and encourage them to openly express their ideas and concerns. This open communication not only promotes trust within the company, but also helps us grow together as a team and develop solutions together.

Success stories from experience

An outstanding example of the use of innovation at Novapor is our investment in future technologies such as a photovoltaic system, a water-based digital printer and the establishment of a clean room for low-particle production.


In addition, we implement measures that underline our commitment to continuously reducing our carbon footprint. In cooperation with ClimatePartner, we offset our CO2 emissions through targeted projects and thus actively contribute to climate protection.


In addition, despite our growth and the development of new markets, we never forget our roots in the region. We support local sports institutions, local social institutions and, among others, the children's hospice "Sternenbrücke", which reflects our traditional values and our desire to use our innovative power in the service of the community.

Novapor Innovation and tradition in the company reduce Carbon Footprint

Looking ahead: The future of Novapor

The combination of innovation and tradition will continue to play a central role at Novapor in the future. We are convinced that we can only be successful in the long term if we preserve our traditional values while remaining open to new ideas and technologies. We continue to focus on a corporate culture that promotes dialogue between generations and collaboration across departmental boundaries.


In the coming years, we plan to further expand our innovation activities and invest in new technologies that will help us make our products and processes even more efficient and sustainable. At the same time, we will continue to cultivate the traditional values and principles that define our company and pass them on to the next generation.


The balance between innovation and tradition is crucial for a family business like Novapor. Through continuous dialogue between generations, careful integration of new technologies and conscious cultivation of our traditional values, we have managed to find this balance and be successful as a company. We are proud of our history and at the same time look to the future with confidence, where we will continue to innovate while preserving our roots.

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