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NOVAPOR Mayor Stefan Niclas Bohlen visits the innovative world of packaging

NOVAPOR: Mayor Stefan Bohlen visits the innovative world of packaging


Kaltenkirchen – A warm welcome and interesting insights characterized the visit of Mayor Stefan Niclas Bohlen and Kaltenkirchen's business development team to NOVAPOR, the long-established family business in Kaltenkirchen. Together with the managing directors Jörg and Andreas Mühlenberg, they discussed not only the impressive development of the company, but also its importance for the local economy.

Mayor Bohlen conveyed the congratulations of the city of Kaltenkirchen and emphasized NOVAPOR's long tradition as a key player in the business landscape. "For our Kaltenkirchen, NOVAPOR is not just a company, but an important partner with a long-standing tradition that also provides secure jobs," said Bohlen.

The visit led through the production facilities, where Bohlen was able to learn about NOVAPOR's innovative packaging and transportation solutions and technical foams. The managing directors explained the company's strengths, in particular the reusable solutions developed in-house, which not only simplify processes but also help to protect the environment.

"It was fascinating to experience NOVAPOR's developments and innovations up close. The company not only contributes to the local economy, but also plays an important role in designing environmentally friendly packaging solutions."

MAYOR STEFAN Bohlen is a guest

The managing directors Jörg and Andreas Mühlenberg were pleased with the visit and the opportunity to present their work to the mayor. “With our focus on growth and innovation, we have continuously invested in our production facilities in recent years. We are pleased that Mayor Bohlen supports and recognizes this development,” said the managing directors.

The mayor's visit marks another positive collaboration between NOVAPOR and the city of Kaltenkirchen. The city recognizes not only the company's commitment to the local economy, but also its sustainable practices and innovative solutions. NOVAPOR therefore remains not only an important player in the entrepreneurial landscape of Kaltenkirchen, but also a pioneer in the field of environmentally friendly packaging and transportation solutions.

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