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NOVAPOR relies on renewable energies: Our new solar system is now in operation


We at NOVAPOR are thrilled and happy that our latest achievement, a state-of-the-art solar system, is now in operation! With this installation we have taken a significant step towards a more sustainable future by being able to produce our own green electricity. The plant has a capacity of 136 kWp, which enables us to cover a large part of our energy needs from renewable sources.

Focus on environmental protection and CO2 reduction

Protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint have long been central components of our corporate strategy. This is shown on the one hand by our ISO 14001 certification, as well as our initiatives to offset CO2 emissions generated at the site. As a company with a sense of responsibility for the environment, we see it as our duty to make a positive contribution to climate protection and to use natural resources with care. Our solar energy system allows us to generate part of our electricity needs from renewable sources, which leads to a significant reduction in our CO2 emissions.

Sustainable energy production and economic efficiency

Novapor Solar Energy

Our investment in renewable energy is not only good for the environment, but also for our business. Our solar energy system enables us to reduce energy costs in the long term and become less dependent on volatile electricity prices. By combining environmental protection and economic efficiency, we can fulfill our corporate responsibility while promoting sustainable growth.

Together for a sustainable future

We are aware that we as an individual company cannot bring about major changes on our own. That's why we want to invite our customers, business partners and the community to work with us towards a more sustainable future. By developing and implementing ideas together, we can have a positive impact on the environment and society.

We firmly believe that the path to a sustainable future is a shared path that we should walk together. That is why we continue to support the expansion of renewable energies and sustainable technologies.

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