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Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success Thomas Sogaard Jörg Mühlenberg

One year of NOVAPOR Nordic: a spectacular success


The time had come in June 2023. NOVAPOR opened its new operations in Denmark under the leadership of Thomas Sogaard and after one year we can proudly look back on the success of this expansion. NOVAPOR, known for its innovative packaging solutions, has quickly established itself in Denmark and the Nordic countries with NOVAPOR Nordic and has made impressive progress. In this blog post, we take a look at the background to this expansion, the milestones achieved and talk to Thomas Sogaard, a key player in the company, about the challenges and successes of the first year.

The background to the expansion

The decision to open a subsidiary in Denmark was not a spontaneous decision, but the result of careful planning and analysis. NOVAPOR recognized the needs and potential of the Scandinavian market. In addition, there was a growing demand for high-quality and innovative packaging solutions. Denmark was the ideal location, not only because of its central location in Northern Europe, but also because of its stable economy and advanced infrastructure.



Another factor was the proximity to existing and potential customers. NOVAPOR wanted to be closer to its Scandinavian partners in order to be able to respond more quickly to their needs and at the same time make the supply chains more efficient. The opening of the facility in Denmark enabled NOVAPOR to achieve these goals and further strengthen customer loyalty.

Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success
Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success

Vejle, Denmark, the location of NOVAPOR Nordic

The search for suitable premises was completed quickly and successfully, as the historical significance of the location harmonizes perfectly with NOVAPOR's aspiration to combine tradition and innovation. The site, which opened in 1918 as Vejle Konfektionsfabrik- og Papvarefabrik and was later known as Jens Johansen Kartonnage, provides an inspiring environment for NOVAPOR's forward-looking projects. The successful combination of historical elements and state-of-the-art technology creates a unique working environment that promotes both creativity and efficiency. The old walls that once housed cardboard boxes and packaging are now witness to a new era in which NOVAPOR develops innovative ideas and products. This symbiosis of past and future underscores NOVAPOR's commitment to preserving tradition while driving progress.

Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success
Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success Thomas Sogaard Jörg Mühlenberg

The original walls and structures of the old cardboard factory at Fredericiagade can still be admired in the renovated building.

Milestones achieved in the first year

Market penetration

In the first year after opening in Denmark, NOVAPOR Nordic achieved impressive market penetration with numerous new projects. Through targeted marketing strategies and clever sales activities, the company was able to quickly expand its presence in the region. The innovative packaging solutions met with great interest and NOVAPOR was able to win several important new customers from a wide range of industries.

Product innovation

NOVAPOR has always been distinguished by its innovative strength, and this tradition has been continued in the new facility in Denmark. In the first year, many new products were developed that not only significantly reduced the customers' costs, but also Co2 footprint. Through the use of recycled materials and a clever design, many resources could be saved.

Team building and integration

Another important milestone was the successful establishment of a high-performance team on site. Thomas Sogaard has perfectly integrated into the team and brought a lot of know-how and expertise with him through his experience. The expansion of the NOVAPOR Nordic team is already planned for the near future. 

Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success

Thomas Sogaard, head of Novapor Nordic, at work in Vejle, Denmark

Interview with Thomas Sogaard

To gain a deeper insight into the experiences and challenges of NOVAPOR Nordic's first year, we conducted an interview with Thomas Sogaard. Thomas has worked in the packaging industry for many years and plays a central role in NOVAPOR's Danish team.

How was the first year of NOVAPOR Nordic?

Thomas Sogaard: Our analysis was clear, the market for innovative packaging and foams needed an alternative to the existing solutions in the Scandinavian market, namely in Denmark, and so we founded this company on June 1, 2023. 


The launch confirmed all our expectations from the beginning, there was a huge need for service at another level, proactive action to find even better solutions than the existing ones, the search for environmentally friendly solutions and the need for a partner who, like NOVAPOR, has both ISO9001 and ISO 14001. And all this at very competitive conditions. So everything went as hoped and expected, and when we look back now, we are proud of what we have built in just 12 months.

Tell us about the highlights and special moments of the first year. What successes have you achieved and what are you particularly proud of?

Thomas Sogaard: For me personally, it was an opportunity to bring a German company into the Danish and Nordic market. How would the market react and were companies willing to put their trust in what we were bringing to this market? 



The management of NOVAPOR had a very positive attitude the whole time, they had confidence in me, in my skills, my competences and my knowledge. This felt very comfortable from day one and was in fact one of the reasons for our Nordic success. We have been making more and more sales month after month and gaining new customers every week.


Sitting here in the NOVAPOR Nordic office is already a statement that we have made it, that we have done very well and that we are here to stay. I am proud of that. Another smaller but very symbolic and personal achievement for me was achieving sales in May 2024 for NOVAPOR Nordic of 20% of our company's total sales. That was a milestone for me and there will be many more to come.  

Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success

What obstacles and difficulties did you encounter and how did you and your team overcome them? 

Thomas Sogaard: Establishing our Danish company took some time at the beginning because, although our structure is very common, it was new for NOVAPOR and also for me. 

But we took all the necessary steps with the Danish-German Chamber of Commerce and we were quickly on the right track with their very supportive legal help. They are still and will continue to be an important partner of our company.

What is special about NOVAPOR Nordic in the Nordic countries compared to other companies?

Thomas Sogaard: We want to be the partner of choice because we offer a high level of service, because we strive for change to find better solutions than before, and because we are very down-to-earth but very professional in our approach. We have the German "Ordnung Muss Sein" set-up, our planning is at a very high level, and I have never seen this high delivery performance better in the Danish market.  

What are your short and long-term goals for the next few years?

Thomas Sogaard: In the short term, we need more staff and we are already taking this step. In the short term, we want to be the leading partner for innovative packaging and foams. In the short term, we should have doubled our sales with NOVAPOR Nordic. In the long term, our company will have an even stronger presence in Scandinavia.

Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success

What topics and trends are you currently focusing on in the industry?

Thomas Sogaard: We are looking very closely at Extended Producer Responsibility and carbon footprint to provide the market with the right facts and figures. The market is flooded with so many untrue stories and misinformation about the best carbon footprint and we need to bring the REAL facts to the table so customers can find the right solution for their needs with the lowest footprint.

Which developments and changes in the industry affect your work and how do you plan to respond to them? 

Thomas Sogaard: Soon it will be necessary for all companies to know the carbon footprint of every item. We need to act quickly and develop a carbon footprint calculator soon. It will have a big impact if we act quickly.

How do you view the collaboration with the NOVAPOR headquarters?

Thomas Sogaard: NOVAPOR Nordic, even with a small organization, is not sensitive to picking up the pace. We have our employees supporting this site 100%, so there is no difference. The development department, internal sales, procurement, production, finance and management all provide great support, which is also necessary for this success.

Novapor foam packaging Novapor Nordic success Thomas Sogaard Jörg Mühlenberg

Thomas Sogaard, Head of Novapor Nordic, and NOVAPOR Managing Director Jörg Mühlenberg


One year after opening its operations in Denmark, NOVAPOR Nordic can look back on a successful expansion. The company has achieved important milestones, including successful market penetration, developing innovative products and building a high-performing team. With a clear strategic direction and a strong focus on innovation and sustainability, NOVAPOR Nordic is well prepared for the future.


The successes of the first year are a testament to the company's foresight and commitment. NOVAPOR Nordic has shown that it is possible to gain a foothold in a new market while maintaining the high standards and values of the parent company. We can look forward to seeing what further successes and innovations the next year will bring.

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