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Successful journey 2023, annual financial statements at Novapor

Journey to success in 2023: Off to new horizons in 2024!


Annual financial statements at Novapor: A look at the journey to success in 2023

Dear customers, valued employees, friends and partners of Novapor,

The year is coming to an end and it is time to pause and look back on the eventful months. 2023 was a year full of successes, challenges and, above all, growth for Novapor. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all - our loyal customers, dedicated employees and the people who accompany us on our journey.

New paths with Novapor Nordic

A special highlight was the opening of Novapor Nordic. This expansion allows us to be even closer to our customers in the Nordic region and further optimize our services.

Novapor Nordic 2023
Cleanroom foams Novapor foam

Hygiene in focus: opening of our cleanroom

Another step towards innovation was the opening of our clean room. With this modern working environment, we set new standards in production and guarantee the highest standards of purity for our products.

Novapor turns 65: tradition meets innovation

This year we were able to proudly look back on 65 years of Novapor. We had a great event and were able to celebrate this day in style.A milestone that emphasises our continuous development and innovative strength. This experience forms the foundation for future success.

Novapor celebrates 65 years

Investments in the future: New machines and personnel

Successful journey 2023, Novapor machine park

By purchasing new machines, we have not only expanded our production capacities, but also invested in the future of our company. There are also two new machines in the starting blocks. These will complement our machine park at the beginning of the year, which will allow us to offer an even broader product portfolio in the future.

The constant growth is reflected not only in the machines, but also in the team. Last year we were proud to welcome 11 new employees, including a dedicated trainee. We are proud to announce that three new contracts have already been signed for 2024 to continue welcoming qualified and motivated employees to our team.

A look at training: promoting young talent at Novapor

Training young talents is particularly important to us. Two trainees and one student are currently completing their training at Novapor.

Novapor machine park employees
Novapor trade fair

Presence at trade fairs and in the educational sector

With five trade fair exhibitions, three school projects and four internships, we not only took the opportunity to present our products to a broad audience, but also actively contributed to the training and promotion of young talents.

New horizons online: Our multilingual website

As a sign of our international commitment, we are pleased to have launched our new website this year, which is now available in four languages: German, English, Swedish and Danish. This expansion allows us to communicate even better with our customers in different regions and provide information in their preferred language.

website languages
Annual financial statements at Novapor Environment Novapor 2023

Sustainability in focus: packaging and recycling

Environmental protection is our top priority. In 2023, we were proud to develop around 900 new packages and make significant progress in recycling. In total, around 10,000 cubic meters of material were processed and an impressive 100 tonnes of material were recycled.

With these achievements in mind and with eyes on the future, we are looking forward to a new year full of challenges, innovations and further growth. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this, and here's to a successful 2024!

We wish everyone merry holidays and a happy new year!

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