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Transport packaging for laser technology Novapor foam packaging optics technology diodes semiconductors

Transport packaging for laser technology: safe and risk-free with NOVAPOR


The transport of sensitive components such as laser diodes from the semiconductor industry presents companies with major challenges. When looking for the most efficient transport packaging for laser technology, it is essential to take into account that laser products are not only complex, but also extremely sensitive to external influences such as vibrations, shocks or temperature fluctuations. In addition, there are the requirements for sustainability, efficiency and safety, which play an increasingly important role in today's logistics environment.


A packaging solution must therefore do more than just "look good". It must be customized to the product and the transport route, offer protection and at the same time be as resource-efficient as possible. This is exactly where we at NOVAPOR come in - we are a packaging manufacturer that specializes in individual, material-independent solutions.


In this blog post, you will learn why NOVAPOR is the right partner for innovative transport packaging for laser technology and for sensitive high-end products. We will give you insights into NOVAPOR's tailor-made packaging solutions and show you how we can optimally protect your products - whether it's export packaging, cleanroom packaging or the right choice of material.

Export packaging: wood or corrugated cardboard as outer packaging?

When it comes to internationally shipping sensitive devices from the semiconductor industry that have laser diodes installed, it is not just protection that matters, but also the logistics processes. Transport on the high seas, by plane or truck places special demands on the transport packaging for laser technology. The choice of the right packaging material is crucial here. For our export packaging, we use wood or corrugated cardboard packaging for external protection and stabilization.

Transport packaging and export packaging for laser technology Novapor foam packaging optics technology diodes semiconductors

Wood as export packaging

Wood is a traditional and proven material for export packaging. It offers high stability and resistance to external influences. Wood is particularly suitable for sea transport due to its robustness and resistance to moisture and impact.

Advantages of wood as export packaging:


  • High stability: Protection against mechanical damage.


  • Customizable: Wood packaging can be individually customized to the product.


  • Moisture resistant: Wood can withstand moisture and changing climatic conditions.



  • Weight: Wood packaging is heavier than corrugated cardboard alternatives, which can result in higher transport costs.


  • Volume: Wood requires more space, which can be disadvantageous during storage and transport.
Transport packaging and export packaging for laser technology Novapor foam packaging optics technology diodes semiconductors wooden box

Corrugated cardboard as export packaging

Corrugated cardboard is a lighter alternative to wood. Corrugated cardboard is particularly suitable for air or truck transport, as it offers good protection with a comparatively low weight. Our triple-wall export corrugated cardboard in particular is a frequently used material for transport packaging for laser technology. Another advantage is its environmental friendliness, as corrugated cardboard can be easily recycled.

Advantages of corrugated cardboard:


  • Lightweight: Reduces shipping costs.


  • Sustainable: Corrugated cardboard is recyclable and is often made from recycled material.


  • Cost-efficient: Corrugated cardboard is an economical alternative, especially for shorter or less risky transports.



  • Less resistant: Compared to wood, corrugated cardboard offers less protection against moisture and extreme stress.


  • Sensitive to moisture: If stored improperly or transported in damp environments, corrugated cardboard can soften and lose stability. However, corrugated cardboard does offer a certain degree of protection, as our wet-strength glued corrugated cardboard offers a certain degree of protection against moisture.

NOVAPOR offers tailor-made solutions using both wood and corrugated cardboard – depending on the respective transport requirements and the specific laser products or diodes of the semiconductor industry. More about export packaging you can find here.

Transport packaging for laser technology Novapor foam packaging optics technology diodes semiconductors

Cleanroom packaging: Indispensable in semiconductor and medical technology

Cleanroom packaging is essential in industries such as semiconductor and medical technology. Laser systems used in these areas are extremely sensitive to contamination, dust and particles. A sterile and/or clean environment is a prerequisite for these products, which is why the transport packaging for laser technology must also meet the highest cleanliness standards.

Cleanroom packaging from NOVAPOR

NOVAPOR develops packaging solutions specifically for cleanroom requirements. Our cleanroom packaging is made of materials that contain particularly low levels of dust and particles. This ensures that your laser systems are not exposed to contamination during packaging and reach the cleanroom in accordance with standards.

Features of our cleanroom packaging:


  • Sterile materials: Packaging made of plastic or specially coated materials prevents contamination.
  • Hermetically sealed: The packaging is hermetically sealed so that no particles can penetrate inside.
  • Protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD): Laser systems are particularly sensitive to static charges in semiconductor technology. ESD-safe packaging is therefore essential.
NOVAPOR's cleanroom packaging solutions enable you to transport your products under the best conditions and use them directly in the cleanroom environment - without intermediate cleaning or repackaging. More about cleanroom packaging you can find here.
Transport packaging and export packaging for laser technology Novapor foam packaging optics technology diodes semiconductors cleanroom

Choice of material: corrugated cardboard, wood or recycled foam?

Developing the perfect transport packaging for laser technology is not just about protecting laser components, but also about sustainability and costs. NOVAPOR uses a material-independent approach, which means that we select the optimal material for each packaging, taking into account both the specific requirements of the product and the environment.

Corrugated cardboard: light and sustainable

Corrugated cardboard is the standard when it comes to sustainable packaging. It is made from recycled materials and is itself 100% recyclable. Corrugated cardboard is often the first choice for transporting laser systems that are not exposed to extreme environmental influences.

Wood: Stable and reusable

When stability and protection from external influences such as impacts or moisture are crucial, wood is the right choice. Wooden packaging is particularly durable and can be reused. Wood also scores well in terms of sustainability, especially when it comes from certified sources.

Recycled foam: perfect protection with minimal material consumption

Recycled foams offer the perfect combination of protection and resource conservation. These materials are made from recycled foam and offer excellent cushioning. Particularly sensitive laser systems benefit from this material as it optimally absorbs shocks and vibrations.

Wood as export packaging

Transport packaging for laser technology made from various materials, including foam, corrugated cardboard, corrugated plastic box, clean room packaging, antistatic bags and wood.

Wood as export packaging

Transport simulation: safety through testing

A way to find out how well transport packaging for laser technology from NOVAPOR protects your products is in the case of an incident - or even better: with a simulation. At NOVAPOR, we rely on the latest transport simulations to ensure that your laser systems survive even the toughest conditions unscathed.

What is a transport simulation?

A transport simulation is an essential step to ensure that sensitive products such as laser systems are optimally protected during transport. In this process, realistic transport conditions are recreated to check whether the packaging can withstand all stresses. This includes specifically vibration test, Fall tests and Climate simulation, which are carried out according to recognized international standards, such as the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

  • vibration test simulates the vibrations that occur during transport by road, air or sea. This tests whether the packaging can protect the laser from the continuous vibrations that can cause damage to sensitive components. Such tests are often carried out according to the specifications of the ISTA3A or ASTM D4169 which specify standardized testing methods for the transport of packaged goods.


  • Fall tests checks how well the packaging absorbs sudden impacts, such as those that can occur during loading and unloading or due to accidental dropping. This test checks whether the contents are sufficiently padded and protected so that no damage occurs. Standards such as ISTA1A and ASTM D5276 specify the test procedures for the drop test of packaging.


  • Climate simulation ensures that the packaging is not damaged even in extreme temperature fluctuations or high humidity. Such tests are particularly important for longer transports, for example by sea or in non-air-conditioned warehouses. Specifications such as the ASTM D4332, which deals with the handling of climatic influences on packaging, are used here.

More about transport simulations you can find here.

Transport packaging for laser systems made from various materials including foam, corrugated cardboard, HKP boards, clean room packaging, anti-static bags and wood.

Packaging development: individual solutions for laser systems

Every laser system or diode is different – and the packaging must be just as individual. At NOVAPOR, we attach great importance to ensuring that every packaging solution is perfectly customized to the product and the transport route.

Our packaging development at a glance:

  • Analysis of requirements: First, we examine the specific requirements of your laser system. How sensitive is the product? What environmental influences could play a role during transport?


  • Choice of material: We select the right material based on the requirements. Whether corrugated cardboard, wood or recycled foam – we ensure that the material meets both the protection requirements and ecological aspects.


  • Prototype construction: Before the packaging goes into series production, we create a prototype and test it according to your specifications in our transport simulations.


  • Optimization and series production: After the tests, the packaging is further optimized and prepared for series production.
Transport packaging and export packaging for laser technology Novapor foam packaging optics technology diodes semiconductors

NOVAPOR – your partner for safe and sustainable transport packaging for laser technology

Laser systems and diodes are high-tech products that require optimal protection during transport. At NOVAPOR, we offer tailor-made transport packaging for laser technology that is perfectly tailored to your needs. Whether export packaging, clean room packaging or the use of recycled materials - we develop a solution that not only protects your product, but is also sustainable and cost-conscious.

Through our transport simulations and individual packaging development, we ensure that your laser system arrives at its destination safely and undamaged. Contact us today and let us develop the perfect packaging solution for your semiconductor product together!

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